With great authenticity

Sweets & Dairy Parlor

One stop for all your cravings

About Gopi Dairy

Our Delicious Story

Being in this food industry for a long time we owe it to the Quote “ Thousands of little flavor absorbed on the plate.” As we continue to work hard to break down all price barriers and deliver the highest quality, we invite you to join us on our journey to fill your home with joy, excitement, and the scent of purity!

We welcome you to the Heart of Good Food: Gopi Dairy!

Dryfruit Sweets

Enrich with real Dryfruits in each bite

Mava Sweets

cook with pure milk mava, Ghee and premium quality sugar


Prepare with fresh cow milk and premuim quality sugar

Bengali Sweets

Prepare with fresh cow milk and premuim quality sugar


Made with best quality products


With taste of real seasonal fruits, dryfruits and cherries


Perfect balance of sweetness and tanginess.

And Many more

explore wide range of products

The Vision of quality

To ensure these products meet the quality standards set by the government norms, we use high-quality ingredients in their processing. The benefits of vegetarian and genuine foods are used to transform our products to ensure their high nutritional value and greater hygiene. Following our quality policy, each finished product is tested on different parameters.

" We Have inhouse production of more than 500 products which includes dairy products, sweets, namkeen and many more with premium quality and purity..! "

Nutrition value

Affordable range

Moisture content


Where we Stand out !

What Our valuale customer says

"Most amazing shrikhand I ever had!!"
- Dipika Parmar
"Amazing taste, and pure mava flavour of milk cake!! Best ever!!"
- Nikita Bhanderi
"i have tried mix chavanu and its so yummy!"
- Bhavesh Bhagat
"My go to place for all food cravings "
- Chandrakant Shah

Reach out at nearest location

Gopi Dairy

Ratanpura Gam, Pranami Nagar, Mahadev Nagar Tekra, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Gopi Dairy

11, Jadeshvar Park, infront of Fulvadi society, Vastral, Ahemdabad, Gujarat